Thursday, June 15, 2006

Second interview

Well, the company I interviewed with a few weeks ago over lunch contacted me to meet them again this morning. A second interview. I think it went well. I didn't have any negative vibes from the guy who is the head of structural engineering for this company. I actually liked the guy quite a bit. Honest, straight-shooter, asked me direct questions about my 6 years that kind of disappear off of my resume - my "party and figuring out what the heck I'm going to do with my life" 6 years. He had initial concerns about why I had left it off, but I was honest and upfront and he felt much better after our discussion. I'm not trying to hide anything, it's just I'm not too proud of those specific years of my life. He said, "It's a good thing people don't judge us on just a few moments in our lives." I tend to agree.

And honesty was his word...those of you who know me know how much that means to me...

Side note: Actually, C, some of his mannerisms reminded me of a certain male parental unit that lives somewhere to the northwest of here in Montana - kind of scary, some of the same twitches, etc, but a much nicer guy.

They said that they will make a decision for sure in the next two weeks. That might be stretching the truth a little bit (they took almost 3 weeks to just get us to meet a second time after they decided they wanted a second interview). But if they do, I'll know by the end of this month, I'm sure.

I sure hope they pick me (I don't know how much competition there is or even if there is competition). I really think I could do well in their environment. Constant challenges, constant learning...and one more comment that this guy I met today made that makes me really think it will be a challenge - he said, "Building codes are for rectangular buildings and idiots." Basically, this means that many of the buildings that they design are outside the basic realm of the code, making them the kind that you have to roll around in your head a bit, even before you start analyzing them mathematically...very coooool!

Wish me luck - I really want this job!


At 6:12 PM, Blogger J said...

My fingers are crossed for you!

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sending hopes and prayers to the universe for you. If they are smart they will hire you!


At 8:28 PM, Blogger zeke70 said...

Thanks, everybody, I need all the help I can get. Mostly the being patient part is the hard part right now. I've done all that I can, it's in their hands, and now I have to wait...arggggh!

At 5:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you are referring to my 'rental unit-- then I hope you get the job. While he has been an asshat (my new favorite profane descriptor) on the home front and in social situations, he seems to be a good person to work for-- if you are good worker. We both know you are a good worker (too good, really), so there you go.

Good Luck!

Don't you have some geek project you can work on to pass the time? ;-P

At 10:50 AM, Blogger zeke70 said...


Yes, I meant your 'rental unit. And, yes, I really think your 'rental unit would be fairly simple to deal with in a work situation (watch out for that social thing though :) ). Work hard, do your job, you'll be fine.

Yes, I do have a geek project to pass the time. :-P

Thanks again for your thoughts, everybody, it means more than I can say.



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