Wednesday, June 21, 2006


The following quotes are from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart from June 20th:

Jon Stewart: "The country is run by extremists because moderates have shit to do."

How amazingly true. Funny, but true. Unfortunately, the only way for a moderate to change this is to become an extremist...:(

Juliet Eilperin, talking about Town Hall meetings: "...and I've gone to plenty of them, people who are crazy show up there."

Not a good indictment of American politics or our most vocal people. Ever notice that the squeeky wheel get's the grease? I guess us pragmatic moderates need to squeek a little more...

Later in the interview, this exchange:

JS: "So you choose to focus on the raping and pillaging of the environment rather than government politics because, uh..."

JE: "I find it less depressing."

A blast so funny I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Funny in the most horrific and terrible way possible. It truly is sad.

Ms. Eilperin wrote a book called "Fight Club Politics". I'm not sure I like the reach in the title, but I may check it out at the local bookstore. I'm sure it won't tell me anything incredibly new or shocking, but it may provide some insight beyond some of the gut feelings that I have about our current political system (it doesn't give us a "representative" government - probably not the most shocking revelation to anyone reading this blog, but it's one of those things that needs to be said "out loud").


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