Finishing school
I know this is probably a bit early, but...
I am sitting here thinking about what a bunch of you are doing right now, at this moment. You are finishing graduate/law school. And I'm trying to remember what it felt like...and I want to remind you all of something that is very important: Remember these days and these feelings, they are precious. I have a feeling you will all do well with this, since you are much more in touch with your feelings than I am with mine. And I remember my feelings as the end of school approached something like this:
1. Absolute joy - You mean I don't have to go to class anymore? SWEEET!
2. Absolute fear - You mean that I'm going to have to find a JOB? And earn my money without having a professor across the hall to ask questions of when it gets tough? (This one was particularly worrisome for me, I graduated in Dec. '01, right after 9/11 and right at the start of the big recession)
3. Self respect - I have accomplished something that very few people have done (really, ask around outside of your circles, very few people have an advanced degree in anything)
4. Dread (for someone socially skittish like me) - You mean I'm going to have to make new friends? Again? My goodness, that's pretty tough...I'm just guessing, but you probably won't have as much trouble with this one :).
5. Paychecks are coming - They're going to pay me for doing this? But this stuff is FUN!!! Cooool! (look of complete astonishment) They're going to pay me HOW MUCH for doing this fun stuff?
6. Freedom - This is the last one that I really remember, but it's also the most difficult to describe...Yep, I've tried about 5 descriptions here, and none of them really cover it. I think you all know what I mean, sorry none of my words seem to work. Almost (but not quite) like being re-born, awakened...see? nothing of mine quite fits...grrrrr. (one of you - help me out, eh? I need some more VO-CAB-YOU-LARRY! ;) Good thing I'm an engineer, not a word-smith! :))
I think I might have #6, so I'll spill it out here and see what you think.
6. Liberation(probably not the perfect word here, but...) - You now are recognized by other people that you have the necessary base knowledge to participate in your chosen field. You have the base knowledge of what to do when life pitches lemons at you (make lemonade is the standard answer, but what flavor? and "how" exactly? sugar or some other juice for sweetener? now you get to be tricky about it. :)). It grants you freedom of autonomy; you'll be applying said knowledge to practical/real problems, without the hands-on guidance from a professor. It's real now, live without a net. Exhilarating, isn't it? :)
*End of EDIT*
While there are a couple of "bads" listed above, the "goods" far outweigh them. It is a joyous time for you all.
Do your happy dances, smile, party, enjoy the moment.
I don't kwow what word you are looking for, pal,
Thanks for helping me get here.
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