First time in about 3 years...
Well, I freaking did this to myself, but I know how to get out of it. Spend less for the next few weeks.
For the first time in about 3 years (since my last MAJOR truck repair), I have spent more money in a period of less than 1 week than I will receive in my next paycheck. This is not because my paychecks are particularly large, definitely not a true statement. This is because I am typically very (read "painfully") frugal.
I splurged on my computer stuff (I got another hard drive and a second TV tuner for my MythTV setup, and I bought UPS units for my machines, something I should have had a long time ago...), combined with my truck repair (final tally of $850+) and ouch, there it is. Good thing my 'rents are driving this weekend to see Grandma, otherwise I'd be sitting on the couch all weekend (I wouldn't even be able to allow myself a poker game if I wasn't going to see Grandma).
I have the confidence in my spending habits that I'll be back by my paycheck after next and back to my saving ways, but this is disconcerting!
On the good side, it will let me get caught up on resume writing (and sending out) and a whole pile of cleaning and organizing I've been putting off for months...oh, the joy! :)
Anybody know of a good book on organizing? I've found that my self-help books on fitness (Bill Phillips "Body-for-Life") and financial tips (Dave Ramsey "Total Money Makeover") have been a great help in those areas of my life, maybe I can learn something from another good self-help book. If you don't like something about your life, change your life, right?
"painfully frugal" - I couldn't have put it better myself!
Sorry about the circumstances-- but I'm not worried.
And as to a book on Organizing your life-- talk to the other C. Her father gave her a book on that topic some years back. (Of course, I'm not sure where it is-- we misplaced it within a few months.)
I knew exactly where it was...but getting to it through the debris was a challenge.
Sorry about the truck repair cost. That always stings! Since you are painfully frugal I am sure you will bounce back.
The book I would recommend reading and (unlike us) actually USING is Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern.
Kudos to you for identifying areas for improvement and doing something to actively change. Not an easy thing to do!
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