Social Value Quiz

I took this survey that YSD has on her blog.
I find it interesting that I am a GenXer - I always hated that title for my generation.
It is geared toward the Canucks, so I expect it to be a bit off here and there.
It also says that I am a New Aquarian, whatever that might mean. Some of the items it lists for my group make sense, while others seem silly ("Everything changed in Seattle." - insane and silly, "Respect for education" - right on the freaking mark).
Incidence in Population
- Proportion of Canadian population: 5 per cent
- Proportion of Gen Xers: 14 per cent
Other Demographics
- Mostly mirror the general population
Fundamental Motivations
Social Justice and Experience-seeking
Key Values
- Adaptability - Yes, definitely
- Concern for the less fortunate - Yes, definitely
- Concern for the environment - Yes, most of the time
- Respect for education - Yes
- Contempt for traditional authorities - Surprisingly moreso as I get older
- Hedonism - well, the description concerning happiness, yes, the description concerning pleasure, not so much
Words to Live By
- There is no being, only becoming - quite true, we never really are finished as people, are we?
- Everything changed in Seattle - no freaking way
- No justice, no peace - I agree, without the violence this statement suggests
- Singer Sarah McLachlan - umm, I'm sure I know her stuff, but umm, I really can't put my finger on it
- Author Naomi Klein - who?
- Singer/activist Jello Biafra - again, who?
- Rap-metal group Rage Against the Machine - yep
- Author/activist John Zerzan - who?
- Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar - umm, NO...
- Dead Prez - I'm thinking I don't know these folks
- I guess what I'm saying is that I have little in common or touch with the "pop" culture of my age group

Money Orientation - This is all basically on the mark for me
Making it: I'd never do work I didn't believe in. Spending it: When I must consume at all, I consume with conscience. Saving it: I'm not saving much now, but when I do I'll call the shots. Stealing it: No, thanks. Giving it away: Environmental and social causes. |
I came out as a boomer and they listed me as an Autonomous Rebel-- though my dot was closer to Connected Enthusiast.
I think I'm closer to the Connected Enthusiast-- but its close. (and I've never thought of myself as a boomer.)
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