Saturday, September 02, 2006

Moving on up...

Tomorrow, I move. Thanks to an insane effort from my parents, my sister and her boyfriend, I did very little to get ready and they took the ball and ran with it.

I moved my TV today. Yes, you read that right, I moved my TV. That's all I moved. The folks I listed above moved all of the rest of my shit into a trailer that my dad will be towing on his truck tomorrow (his truck is more suited to towing than mine). The TV does weigh approximately 175 pounds and is incredibly top heavy making it a pain to move, but that is such a small portion of my shit...well, I was stunned.

Of course, it will be a little bit like Christmas getting unpacked - HMMM, What's in this box? Oh, look, my DVD's! Yay!

I am a very lucky person to have folks like that in my life that are willing to help me so much. Again, I must say that I am truly blessed with friends and family in this world.

I will only have dial up at work for the next few days, so those of you that email me on occasion, try to avoid the large files and such as I will not be able to open them until Wednesday at the earliest. I believe I get my cable and ISP setup on Wednesday (sometime between 9 and 11...I can't complain, the time frame has lowered some, at least, it used to be 4 hour blocks).


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