Sunday, June 04, 2006


Well, C officially graduated today, with a great group of people and friends. Congratulations all!!!

Okay, I'm a bit misty-eyed today. Yes, some are joyous tears, others are tears of, hmm, what's the right word? I guess the right bunch of words is "I'm going to miss seeing you in person."

I hope my father is wrong about one of his sayings. It goes something like this: "We all get busy, so take the chances to see your (insert term of endearment here, such as friend, brother, sister, lover) when you get them. Because you'll get busy and we won't see each other anymore."

When you entered C's life and touched it, you inadvertantly touched mine. Sometimes in dramatic fashion. You have taught me lessons that I never could have learned anywhere else. You shared with me.

Thank you.


At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh, and I forgot to say on the post from some days ago, thanks for the beautiful pocket watch.

The inscriptions are very meaninful and bring tears to my eye whenever I look at 'em.
Imagine what it would have been like if you had stuck around!

Your Dad is half right.
1) DO take time to see your loved ones and friends.
(but that is because life is terribly short and unpredictable)
2) DONT accept that people won't see each other as you get older. It requires effort and intention, but it can be done. And it is a two way thing.

Once more I say, so glad you and my colleague-friends got to be friends in your own right.


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