Saturday, September 09, 2006

Discussions from the early morn'

As some of you know, I've been working overnights for the last 3 weeks. And REALLY long hours (I logged 222.5 hours over the last 3 weeks - that covers 15 actual days of work).

Mental notes about working such hours (both the number and the actual timing) when you aren't used to them:

1. People that are "day" people get really weird come 3 am.
2. People who are "nice" people typically - can get really mean sometimes at 3 am.
3. People can work 15 hours a day for an incredibly short period of time before they become really cranky all the time and take it out on anyone within earshot. (I apologize to anyone I might have blasted in the last 2 weeks)
4. People who are super close to their children should not take jobs that might keep them away from their kids for more than a day or two.
5. I didn't like fast food before - and after the last 3 weeks, if I ever eat at Taco Bell, McDonald's, Arby's or Wendy's again, it will be too soon. They were the only places you could get a quick and hot meal at 2 in the morning.
6. My eyes actually do turn black when I get really tired - I don't really ever remember that happening before - I look like I got in a fight right now.
7. This is a guess, but I bet that my body is typically in deep REM sleep from about 2:30 am to 3:00 am and from 4:00 am to 4:30 am during my normal sleep patterns. I say this because those two half hours, no matter how much sleep I got during the day before, were darn near impossible to stay awake. I'll admit that I napped at least 3 times during the 4 to 4:30 hour during my 3 weeks doing those hours.
8. Cell phones have off buttons, USE THEM!!! We don't need to be connected continuously to the rest of the world...really, none of us are that important. Plus, people who aren't on your sleep schedule tend to call you at 8 am... :)


At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how much longer are you consigned to this particular floor of hell?

15 hours a day overnight is brutal, soul-sucking schedule.

Reminds me of the Dark Crystal. (I looked for the image of the little guys getting sucked dry by the dark crystal, but couldn't find one.)

At 12:04 AM, Blogger zeke70 said...

I finished up with my old job this morning...I may go help them a touch here and a touch there later on, but I'm trying to get rested for my new job that starts - OMG, starts tomorrow (it's Sunday already!!!).

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


So glad to hear the old job and brutal hours can be put to rest.

And have a GREAT first day of your new job tomorrow!


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