Comment on the weather
Okay, folks who live south of's f*cking cold up here!
Predicted highs for tomorrow? Zero degrees Fahrenheit. Yep, that's 17.8 degrees BELOW zero Celsius, and a very cold 255.4 degrees Kelvin. Tonight's low is predicted for -13 degrees Fahrenheit - good Lord that's cold!
Basically, I have a fairly simple scale:
85 degrees or hotter - f*cking hot OR the air conditioning is quite comfy, I believe I'll stay inside today
55 - 85 degrees - comfortable and livable
15 - 55 degrees - probably want to wear some level of a jacket
15 degrees and below - f*cking cold OR kiss my ass, I'm not going out there! OR please start the fire, thank you very much!
So I'll be staying inside for the next week or so. Venturing out only when starvation is an issue (I'm pretty chunky, I could miss a meal without too much draw down on my reserves :) ) and only when I have to go to/from work (can't buy heat without some cashola). And the gas fire is roaring in the corner right now - only thing I'll miss in my new house come April...
Weather report says a heat wave is coming next weekend (20 degrees for a high on Friday and 23 by Sunday). Rest of the week is predicted at 15 or lower for HIGH temperatures.
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