1st week on the new job...
was an absolute joy!
Now, many of you will probably think to yourself "hmm, sounds really, really boring", but to me, this stuff is awesome.
I spent my first week almost completely immersed in a project. I did ring wall foundation calculations for an ethanol plant (if you don't know what a ring wall is, think of the ring on your hand, and think of a 10 foot tall wall shaped like said ring buried in the ground to carry a round tank).
Most foundation calculations are really pretty easy, and these are no exception (although I hadn't dealt with hoop stresses in a while and had to do a little refreshing from my basic mechanics book :) ). And, I can see myself being very tired of doing these calculations in a couple few months (they will be nearly identical on every job we do, but they have to be done on nearly every job we do). But they are new to me right now, therefore, fun. And honestly, for me, let me sink into a couple of equations and figure how loads are getting to ground, and I'm gonna be happy. Seriously, folks, I can't think of anything better to do on a work day.
And, the really huge thing, the guys who hired me did exactly what they said they were going to do: "We're buried in work. We need help. You'll start your first project the day you show up." How amazingly refreshing - a boss who's honest (my new boss also said "These will probably get a little tedious after a while, but they have to be done." when he gave me the ring wall foundations to design :) ).
And another hidden plus - you are typically paid a bonus based on the work you do. Well, the part of the company I am working in is the biggest money maker in the company - YAY!!!
I'm so tired from the move, new job excitement, restarting working out, etc. But I'm so excited I can hardly wait for Monday to get here!
Congrats Zeke!
It sounds wonderful. I am so happy you are in a healthier work environment. And looking forward to Monday?! Wow. :)
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