Monday, May 08, 2006

Administrative Assistant

Since I've been complaining about my boss so much lately, I figured I'd give you one of the good parts of working where I work...

Our admin was late this morning. So rather than take the ration of sh*t she would normally take for this, she lead off with her excuse and showed some of the damage done.

She rides motorcycle, and she went riding this weekend. She wrecked. Pretty hard, too. Her bike's a mess, along with her right hand and back (she didn't show her back, we are a conservative engineering firm :) ) and her elbow. Looks like somebody took a baseball bat to her. And you could see from how she got up from her chair and walked around, her whole body was pretty sore.

But she's tough. Guess what she did after she laid her bike down? She got up, got over her "what just happened?" fuzz, fired the bike up and finished riding the ride she was on with her friends. 75 more miles on the bike AFTER the accident! How freaking cool is that?

I said to her, "You've got balls to get back on that bike after that, serious balls."

She said, "Yeah, probably turns some guys off."

I said, "Yeah, depends on the guy, though." :) (yep, she actually smiled at that one - she's on the rebound right now, so she takes the "pep-me-ups" even from geeks like me)

Oh, and for those of you that worry about my singleness, yes, I would love to date this woman. Not only is she tough (I truly respect that in any person), but she is stunning. However, due to one of my learned principles, I never date anyone I work with, especially one that either has power over me or I have power over (yes, my opinion is asked about her work performance, but no, I don't sign her review).

Now, if I were to find another job in this town or a nearby town...hmmm, maybe I could risk asking her out then (AC/DC's "Shot Down in Flames" starts in the background :) ). Unfortunately for me, her type is 6'+, 170#, athletic and "normal". I'm more like 5'-10", 190#, klutzy and a geek. Oh, well, such is life. Maybe around the next bend is my princess...could be that light at the end of the tunnel is a freight train, too. :)


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh for Pete's sake!!!

Cut the mood music and ominous foreshadowing!

Find a new job and ask the woman out.
(yes, in that order- possible exeption might be "move out of parent's basement" inbetween those two)

People who are good looking, financially secure, intelligent, funny, loyal, honorable, and in good shape who are still shy drive me NUTS!!!

At 2:55 PM, Blogger J said...

I'm with CDS.
And you're not a geek. (not that there's anything wrong with being a geek - many of my friends are geeks)
I didn't even know you liked computers until I started reading your blog.

You don't come across like you think you do.

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From your description of the story, sounds to me like she may very well be interested in YOU.

Since you have alluded to your vanity in previous posts, I won't go on about how much of a total catch you would be...don't want your ego to need two rooms... ;P

Sometimes to experience the best and most amazing things in life, you have to take a risk.
(and know that deep down, you're pretty tough too.)

Soft and gooey for the most part, yet amazingly resilient!!!


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