One of my favorite comic strips...

is being released in movie form this summer. I am hoping that it is not as bad as other comic to movie tries.
"Over the Hedge" is the name of the comic strip. You can see more of it over here.
The one above is the first one I ever read (click on it to see the full sized one, it doesn't re-scale well). It was sent to me by D a long time ago. It's almost exactly how D and I would act when we went out to the bars. I instantly connected with the characters (in that one, think of me as Verne, D as RJ :)).
I see a lot of me in Verne (the turtle), but I also see myself in RJ (the racoon), and I definitely see Sammy (squirrel - I originally posted this as "Hammy", but that's Sammy's mirror image :) ) on those days when my brain has left the building.
And that's the other cool part about this comic strip, I see all of my friends in those characters as well. When I get the strip in my email everyday, I kind of get to see all my buds all compressed into one little comic strip every morning. A good way to start the day if I ever heard of one.
Hey, I know it's weird, they don't call me "geek" for nothing!
Yup... now that I can see the strip, I can definitely see D in the Racoon.
Now... about the strip where I'm a character????
Oh.. and I start my morning reading the comics, too.
D got me started on that.
He usually shows up on Pearls Before Swine.
(And, yes, he is Rat. How did you guess?)
Sometimes he shows up in Dilbert.
(Yes, he is Dogbert. How did you guess?)
When Dilbert is not completely dorky-- just the suffering engineer-- then I see another pal in the strip. (Wonder who that might be...)
C, I never said you were "a character", I said I see my friends in these comic strips. Some days, I see you in RJ, sometimes in Verne, and definitely have seen you (especially on a sick day), in Sammy. That's why I like this strip, it's like a photograph is to some people: it reminds me of a good time I've had or a conversation with one of my best friends. I do believe you or your therapist type wife could probably identify the phenomenon and name it for me. :) I think it's because the writers are geeks like me (at least one of them is), so he sees the world from the same twisted perspective.
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