I'm (mostly) done unpacking...

These first three are what you would see when you walk in the front door. Here's my beer mirrors. Anybody else remember the Hamm's beer commercials growing up?

You probably can't see my prints very well, but the one on the dining room wall on the right in the first photo is one of 2 rooster and one hen pheasant taking off in an Amish/Mennonite field (not too many people stack hay like that anymore, so the Amish/Mennonite comment is a generalization).

The other print is above my couch and is of a large buck (10 pointer, really nice heavy tines and very wide) and 3 does that he is wondering about.

This next one is what it looks like walking into my kitchen from my garage. Very small kitchen, that's the living room kind of left and straight through.

Here's the living room - fireplace and my little tv.

From my living room back into my kitchen and dining room (my new dining room table, well, not new but new to me, well, hand me down to me! :) )

And, if you can see it, there is the berm outside my back windows. Just over that berm is the railroad track. Motherf-ing conductor just blew his horn for the last 1/2 mile! Need to put my skin back on.
Anyhow, that's the new place! Those who know me, you're welcome anytime, just try to give me a day's notice. I don't have a second bed, but I do have an air mattress and a couch.
Oh, the bedrooms and bathroom I did not include pictures of because, well, they are a typical bachelor pad. 2nd bedroom - filled with bookcases and books and games. Master bedroom - a bed and a dresser (yes, there is plenty of room in there for the right woman...anyone? Bueller? Bueller? anyone? anyone? :) ). And the bathroom is actually good sized - has the laundry in it too.