Monday, May 29, 2006

A week ago Saturday...

my friend C was ordained as a minister.

I've thought long and hard about how to say the things I wanted to say that night, when they had a "second" shot at C to get up and speak. I just couldn't organize my thoughts that night, and I would say that I am probably not all the way there yet, but I am going to give it a try.

First, a quick history of our friendship. We met in the 4th grade, when he moved from the Motor City to my hometown of Da Woods. That's a few years ago, and I can proudly say that we've known each other for about 72% of our lives and been friends for about 67% of our lives (let's just say that high school was a rough time for both of us - I didn't want to be me, and there were other forces at work).

Now, to the Saturday before last. Most of the day is quite a blur. I got there in time for the ceremony, but let's just say that I almost didn't (thank goodness that the "Low Fuel Warning" in my parent's Lincoln comes on with a gallon left in the tank...because if it came on with a half gallon, I wouldn't have made it). So I was already in that "oh, shoot, I'm not going to make it in time" mode. Then I got to the church, and got tackled by my "niece" (C's real niece) when I got through the entrance of the church. That pretty much got me into the "this is gonna be a great day" mode (she gives really good hugs :)).

Since it is such a blur for me, I am going to just say the general feelings I got from the people around me. There was much joy in Whoville, that is a definite. There was singing and much praise handed out.

And that is where the really good thoughts I have started spinning out and blurring the whole picture, through my tears at the beauty of the songs and the sermons and the people involved in all of this and the words that they spoke about my friend, C.

You see, C had already touched my life in about a million different ways. We have cried through some things, and we have celebrated some tremendous victories and life moments together. And I have (it seems) always known him as my friend, C.

I have in other posts talked about things that make them real. Like when I design a building or a bridge, touching them after they are built makes them real to me. Well, I think that was part of the blurring I was talking about above.

I had always kind of had the idea that C was going to be a minister. And I had an inkling that he was going to be a really good one, too. The day before last made it a "real" thing for me. Seeing the reaction of the people who had ordained him, seeing the reaction of the people who had helped teach him, seeing the reactions of his peers, well, it was emotionally very intense and very, very real.

I am so pumped that C is beginning the journey of sharing his talents with everyone else (he has always shared, I guess, but with only the few people he was friends with). Now that he is sharing with all of these other people, well, it's just really, really cool.

Good work, my friend, good work.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Little cars, little cars are everywhere...

I went looking for new automobiles after work today. I drove several different ones, and liked all of them. That could be a problem. I drove the following 4 cars today, in no particular order: a 2006 Kia Rio5, a 2006 Kia Spectra5, a 2006 Ford Focus ZX3, and a 2005 Ford Focus ST sedan.

Ranking in order of my LIKING (only of the models I drove):

1. Ford Focus ST sedan - well built, fun as hell to drive, superb motor vs the rest of these, and a used car (I like a car that has some of the kinks worked out)
2. Kia Spectra5 - well built, fun as hell to drive.
3. Ford Focus ZX3 - well, it was the only automatic I drove, and I don't like automatics (BORING) - also only a 3 door, not good for my friends, I don't like having to move a seat to let them sit in the back.
4. Kia Rio5 - bigger inside than I thought it would be, but fitting more than 2 friends would be a trick because anyone taller than me would have to take the front seat and would most likely move the seat back to an uncomfortable location.

Ranking in order of my CHOICE (this includes pricing information):
1. Ford Focus ZX5-I did not drive one of these today, but it is basically the ZX3 with 2 more doors. More like the Kia Spectra5. Currently goes for about $14500 with the rebates that are on until the end of this month.
2. Kia Spectra5-well built, fun as hell to drive, just the car I am actually looking for (very similar to the ZX5). Only problem is its current price ($700 in rebates to the end of the month) going for about $16750.
3. Kia Rio5-great mileage (about 38 highway, 29 city vs 34/35 highway, 26/28 city for the Focus ZX5 and Spectra5), NO CRUISE CONTROL is a major downer for me though. Goes for about $14500 all the time (never any rebates).
4. Ford Focus ST sedan-well, I liked driving it, but I don't want a sedan, I want the cargo space of the hatchback. I'm so used to my F150 that I don't think I could do without the flexibility to carry something larger than a TV in my vehicle.

I looked at several options on the web, but the one that keeps coming up tops is the Ford, if I had to buy one today, I would go with the ZX5 (but man, that Spectra5 was fun and a little more sporty looking).

But back to the reviews that I've found on the web, the Focus keeps coming up in the top 5, often times #1 in reviews for best buys for the dollar amount (actually surprising that an American company came up with a well valued compact car). The Spectra5 barely makes the list of 32, so that pushes the Focus over the top for the time being. We'll see how things go over the next month or so (if they pull out something where there are huge rebates still for one or the other, it may swing my purchase).

Oh, that's the thing. This car purchase hinges on my job search. If I get the new job, I will be buying a new car once I get into a new place to live. If I don't get the new job, well, there's always next year! :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Painfully frugal...

1st, an update to yesterday's post...jill was very right, it would have been VERY poor etiquette to not have verified the email. The guy had accidentally sent the email to the wrong person (me), rather than the right person (his boss). Phew, glad I sent my verification email!

Now onto my regularly scheduled post:

I am painfully frugal. I admit it. However, please note that this does not equate to "cheap". I buy things that I want still (albeit usually after I have waited for the initial MSRP to no longer be in effect), I definitely get the things I need and I try to find ways to get other things that I really want "right now".

What are my reasons for this, you might ask? Well, I think they are actually more noble than they might look or sound. Lots of people look at what I do and might equate it to greed...nope, I really don't love money at all (in fact, sometimes I wish that bartering were back in vogue). They look at what I do and call it cheap...nope, I actually buy either high or very high quality items.

No, the original reason I started on my trek for zero debt was simple. I wanted my freedom back. I didn't like being a slave to the companies I owed money to or to the job that I hated. C's parental unit made a great comment to me on Saturday. She said, "Well, you could always quit and live on what you have saved up." She's right, I could if I felt I needed to. This frugality has given me the freedom to walk away (I could actually lose my job and still survive just fine - on my own, not living in my 'rent's basement - for upwards of 1 year and if I pushed the panic button, 2 years). I don't know if I can express how wonderful that feeling is.

But now that I am on my way, I am seeing other things to do with my money. One mini example, I could go and get myself a newer/new little car that gets good gas mileage. Pay a little now to help where I can in the oil crisis and maybe help down the road for all of us (a little bit by all of us would help tremendously). Or, I could help a church out getting something done that the budget just hasn't been there for. Or help my niece get a new computer for college when she goes next fall. Or give the guy that needs a hand up $50 to get a room to clean up in so he can go and try to get a job (because he actually wants a job). Or, I could keep investing it so I get to my financial freedom sooner. I don't know, but I could do any of these things with it.

And then, when I have reached my financial goals, what then? Well, I like what my financial advisor book guru guy (Dave Ramsey) has to say: "We built this financial superbody for a reason. To have FUN, INVEST and GIVE." Because they are truly the only 3 really good uses for money anyway. I might be just guessing, but I think for most of us, GIVING would be so much FUN...

This plan I'm on won't be easy (it hasn't been thus far, that's for sure), but I really think it will be worth it in the end. And for those just starting on this run (or in the middle of it), trust me, even the water tastes sweeter on this side! :)

Now, I have to ask a question, mostly directed to C & C (because they know Madtown much better than I ever did and they probably know me better than I ever have) but to any others out there. I do feel a bit like a bum. I've been doing all this saving and saving and saving, but I haven't given anything back to the community. With my talents (as you know them), what organizations out there could use me? I'm thinking of volunteering, but I haven't a clue as to where I should volunteer or even what I might be good at helping with. Maybe a food kitchen? But maybe something else? Hell, I don't even know what I could do to help, and I sure don't know where to start. Maybe one evening every couple of weeks to start with and see where it goes from there, but first I've got to find the place to help. Email me, post a comment, phone call, whatever. Thanks, people!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Possible gaff...

Well, I don't know if I did the right thing yet or not. The guy that I hope will be my new boss in the next month or so sent me an email this morning asking his superior to call me. I just noticed that it did not have an email address for his superior in it. I just sent an email asking him whether I was his intended audience for that email (i.e. did he bcc me or did he accidentally send it in the wrong direction?).

Was that proper etiquette?

I've tasted shoe leather before by sending an email in the wrong direction, so I know it can be done pretty easily.


Well, at least I have word now. Not solid word, but there is word now. Assuming I get the job, the person who would be my new boss has sent an email asking his superior to call me. This may sound like a lack of effort on his part when you first look at it, but it isn't. It sounds like they are buried in work. This is a very good sign (I really do poorly at work when there isn't enough going on).

Off to my current job, yikes, I'm late!

Monday, May 22, 2006

A minor edit...

to my last post. I feel there may have been some confusion in something I said, from the comments received from C and an email I received from the other C.

1. The promise I made to myself about dating actually went more like thus: "I promise that I am going to try to start dating again. No matter what." The missing word was try. Sounds pretty minimal, but think about it, it's HUGE. I am a catch. For someone. I don't know who this woman might be, but she's out there, in that big thicket of fish. NOTE: I don't like the old saying "there are plenty of fish in the sea." Yes, there are. Too freaking many, thank you very much. It could take me to the end of time to sift through ALL of those opportunities. END OF NOTE. And that's where the word "try" comes in. I'm going to get plenty of "NO" answers before this is done, I understand that. That bothers me, but not horribly. If she's not into me, well, guess what, she's not into me. On to the next. But anyhow, that was the promise made, and I haven't tried, and that's why I'm pissed. I haven't allowed myself the time to focus on it. I think you can see from my collection of posts what I have been filling my time with to try to avoid the "try". Computers are easy. Dating is hard.

2. I was not upset by the "shitload of grief" I got this weekend. In fact, I took it as I think it was intended (jeez, I hope it was intended this way :) ). I felt like it was a bunch of really good people trying to look out for me. It made me feel kind of special, important. Which I usually aim myself away from, but I admit, it felt pretty darn good this weekend (WARNING: I get sudden and dramatic mood shifts and swings!!! So don't count on me being friendly about this next time, SORRY!!! in advance. :( No, really, ask C or C or R or T or T or D. The swings can be really ugly sometimes, but I've been better at controlling them as I get older).


I mowed the lawn tonight. I like mowing the lawn. It gives me time to just walk, no thinking allowed (the mower is too darn loud to concentrate anyway). It's odd, it's almost spiritual...round and round, no thinking, just walking. The brain wanders to whereever it would like to go. It's kind of like showering in the morning. You do it so many times, that your mind just wanders off because you really don't need to expend a lot of energy thinking about what you are doing. I joke that some of my best ideas come when I'm doing something like that, allowing the mind to just go and not focusing on it. And sometimes it's just brain thoughts firing off, almost like in a waking dream. Tonight was just relaxing, I feel refreshed, and naturally tired for the first time in a to bed.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sleep, where are you?

I can't sleep. I should be getting used to this by now, take the Benadryl and pass out is about the only way I've found over the last couple of weeks. It's not quite 6 hours before I have to get up, that may be safe to try for a while, just to get enough zzz's to make it through the next day. But I've gotta get some real sleep.

Mind is racing all over the map...always happens on weekends like this one. I had a blast, I really did. It's just, well, hmm.

Part of my frustration that I've had in my life over the last, oh, six months especially has been this one thing that I promised myself. Not really a big deal, actually, yes it is, but it probably shouldn't be (or maybe it should be, I'm a tad confused :)). But here is my problem/dilemma. In previous posts, I have made this comment - "If you don't like something about yourself/your life, change yourself/your life." Most of the time, I point that logic to the "yourself" side (I am always trying to change something I don't like about me, whether it be bad habit, poor diet, bad financials, etc), but I made myself a promise in October of last year.

I had been on the dating shelf for a looooong time. I had put myself there. Long story short, loads of pain, tons of scarring that just wasn't healing doing what I was doing (in fact, probably getting worse - personal note to anyone else out there, an unhealthy relationship does not help with healing, trust me...), plus the fact that I had to find "me", or should I say, what was left of "me" and put it back together. And then make a pact with myself that I was going to always remember "me", which has always been difficult for me when I've dated. I had always been swallowed up by my girlfriends, completely and totally (or at least that is how I would feel). And I needed to find my path again, and remember how to walk it, and then walk it.

Well, I finally felt like it was time. I knew my exam was coming at the end of last October (the 28th to be precise). I promised myself that I was going to start dating again after that exam. I feel like I am ready again (otherwise I would have never posted about a certain admin I caught a shitload of grief for over this weekend - :) ).

The problem I'm having is twofold: 1st off, I'm pissed off at myself for not following through on a promise to the one person I promised I would never calculatingly lie to again, ME. 2nd off, honestly, I've been away from the "game" for so freaking long (yes, 5 years since my last serious girlfriend is a looooooonnnng time and 4 years prior to that) that I really don't have a clue anymore. No, I don't mean the physical side, I understand tab a slot b and all of the other wonderful tabs, buttons and touchable places for sexual pleasure for both people. That part is the simple part. It's all the other things that go with it (and now that I know how badly it can hurt you, I'm scared to death).

I have to at least try to go to sleep, but I wanted to say one more thing:

To everyone I hung with this weekend (C, C, T, and J and M and J, too), thank you. I had a great weekend (even with all of the guff I caught from all of you :) I hope I dished out as well as I took :) ).

Friday, May 19, 2006


My mom is so excited. My 'rents love to feed the birds, of any type. They especially like getting the song birds, though.

A pair of orioles just showed up at the feeding trays in back of their house!

I have to admit, I'm not that excited about the orioles myself...but they may be one of the prettiest birds I have ever seen. :)

(and the hummingbirds are back, now those are cool!)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Musical inclinations...

Okay, YSD did a little list of 10 songs (inspired by Condi Rice?)

Here's my list...her #7 would make my list, but I felt I should let her list be her list:

1. No Leaf Clover Metallica Symphony & Metallica, CD 1 Track 08

2. Sober Tool Undertow Track 03

3. Astronomy Blue Oyster Cult the version I have is from their "Best of" album, Track 04

4. When I'm Gone 3 Doors Down Away from the Sun Track 01

5. Smoke on the Water Deep Purple the version I have is from "Deepest Purple", Track 12

6. I Am I'm Me Twisted Sister the version I have is from Big Hits and Nasty Cuts, Track 03 (but I used to own the old original CASSETTE tape with this song on it, played it until it stretched out too much)

7. Summertime D.J. Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Homebase Track 02

8. I Love Rock-n-Roll Joan Jett & the Blackhearts the version I have is from "Greatest Hits", Track 05

9. A Tout Le Monde Megadeth Youthanasia Track 04

10. All of You Don Felder Heavy Metal: Music from the Motion Picture Track 14

NOTE: There are zero entries from Eric Clapton. I felt that this was the only fair way, since he would have had all ten entries. How do you rank a demigod with mere humans?


I went to Uno's for lunch today for my lunch interview. Decent pizza.

The job keeps sounding better and better. Sounds like the kind of crew I'd like to work with. One computer geek, one pretty serious manager, one other guy who just had his first kid. Usually this equals a good balance of people, with all different life experiences and plenty of people for me to learn from (yes, I always want to say before I go to bed at night "I learned something new today." whether that be structural or otherwise).

Good support from other offices and for the first time, a couple few other structural's to work with (I've basically been alone since I finished at Purdue). That is something I will definitely appreciate, another person with similar experience to bounce ideas off of.

Is it bad when the guy interviewing you asks, "So, after we talk with my boss and we decide to make this move, when would you be able to start?" :)

Goodness it's hard not to get my hopes up... :) I'm supposed to hear more early to mid next week...

Sunday, May 14, 2006


I purchased their "second" album last night on a shopping trip. It's called "Disclaimer II". It's pretty good if you are in the mood for dark, slightly depressing lyrics backed by some monstrous guitar has both versions of "Broken" on it. The original with just Seether doing it, and then the revamped version with Amy Lee (Evanescence). It's tough to say which is better, it's obvious which the public liked better (with Amy Lee was a smash hit, to say the least).

And their song "Gasoline" may be one of the darkest lyrically on the album, but it definitely has a certain sound that I really like...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Lord of War

I watched this movie tonight. Here's my review:

This movie may possibly be the most depressing thing I have ever seen. I am disgusted, since this movie was based on actual events. If these actual events are portrayed even partially correctly in this movie, I am sickened by these events. I was horrified. Bile did rise. So overall, the movie probably did exactly what was intended. I wish that I had seen it with someone else, so that I could discuss it further.

Friday, May 12, 2006

What an interesting week

Let's see here, what all happened this week?

1. I had my first phone interview for a new position. Probably not the best thing for somebody trying to sleep, since it sounds like an even better position than I originally thought. Basically, a fairly old company, has gone through it's ups and downs, and is coming out of a down period right now. They've been advertising for almost a year now, and have had (you guessed it) ONE reply that actually met their qualifications - yep, that would be ME! Sounds good on paper, but I've got to go and do a lot more digging to find out more about them (thank goodness for the world wide web). I'm trying not to be too excited...

2. I hit a snag in my projector project. Not a deal stopper, just a pain in the behind type of snag. Unless you've torn a LCD monitor apart, you wouldn't know what a FFC is, but when it isn't the right size (length mainly, then the extendor piece you ordered isn't the right width) it's a royal pain in the back side. I'm waiting on one that IS the right size after I emailed and discussed with a veteran of diy's from

3. Went out with the first guy out the door at my office (yep, like I said in a previous post, 3 possible leavings, me and two construction techs). He got a promotion inside our company and works for a different office (and a completely different boss - 25% RAISE in pay - holy toledo!). The other guy is threatening, and I don't think he'll get what he wants, so I expect him to be aimed for the door soon.

4. When we went out with the guy in 3. above, well, let's just say it was definitely a guys night out kind of thing. Beer and rauchous talk was the theme this evening. It felt good to let loose and just be a lot "basic" with the guys. I would definitely say this was not a professional discussion. Pretty relaxing to just let it all hang out and not sweat anything that might be said. I don't want to say I should do that every weekend, but I should definitely increase the frequency.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Administrative Assistant

Since I've been complaining about my boss so much lately, I figured I'd give you one of the good parts of working where I work...

Our admin was late this morning. So rather than take the ration of sh*t she would normally take for this, she lead off with her excuse and showed some of the damage done.

She rides motorcycle, and she went riding this weekend. She wrecked. Pretty hard, too. Her bike's a mess, along with her right hand and back (she didn't show her back, we are a conservative engineering firm :) ) and her elbow. Looks like somebody took a baseball bat to her. And you could see from how she got up from her chair and walked around, her whole body was pretty sore.

But she's tough. Guess what she did after she laid her bike down? She got up, got over her "what just happened?" fuzz, fired the bike up and finished riding the ride she was on with her friends. 75 more miles on the bike AFTER the accident! How freaking cool is that?

I said to her, "You've got balls to get back on that bike after that, serious balls."

She said, "Yeah, probably turns some guys off."

I said, "Yeah, depends on the guy, though." :) (yep, she actually smiled at that one - she's on the rebound right now, so she takes the "pep-me-ups" even from geeks like me)

Oh, and for those of you that worry about my singleness, yes, I would love to date this woman. Not only is she tough (I truly respect that in any person), but she is stunning. However, due to one of my learned principles, I never date anyone I work with, especially one that either has power over me or I have power over (yes, my opinion is asked about her work performance, but no, I don't sign her review).

Now, if I were to find another job in this town or a nearby town...hmmm, maybe I could risk asking her out then (AC/DC's "Shot Down in Flames" starts in the background :) ). Unfortunately for me, her type is 6'+, 170#, athletic and "normal". I'm more like 5'-10", 190#, klutzy and a geek. Oh, well, such is life. Maybe around the next bend is my princess...could be that light at the end of the tunnel is a freight train, too. :)

Personal effects

This is a bit of a grim post...just giving you fair warning.

At work today, I was out on the bridge project I worked on last year. The contractor had some final punch list items to finish up and then the job was officially finished (well, outside of some paperwork I have to do now).

It's on the Interstate system, and there is a lot of traffic and plenty of accidents (there were double digits in the few months I was there last summer). I've seen plenty of old accident sites, where the guard rail is all shiny and new with some obviously older guard rail right next to it. Never thought twice about it until today. I can't think about it, it is dangerous for me (I'm an emotional person).

I was walking up the road and looked and saw that there had been an accident right next to the spot where the contractor was working. It had all the tell-tale signs of a regular old smash up, probably pretty bad. Only one post was broken and one panel was fixed. This is a bad sign, this means that the vehicle just about T-boned the guard rail, not a glancing blow which takes out several posts and several beam guard pieces. This isn't what bothered me though.

This is what bothered me: I can tell you that it was a Chevrolet truck of some type. I can tell you that the passenger side of the vehicle was torn open somehow. I can tell you that a woman or (please let it be this, oh please let it be this) a woman's purse was in the passenger's side seat of the truck. I can tell all of this because of the other things that were laying there next to the destroyed guard rail. The owner's manual (usually in the glove compartment, to have it thrown clear of the vehicle means the vehicle's passenger side was torn asunder). Lip balm, lip stick, lip gloss , eyeliner pencils and a combination hair comb and pick were laying there in the grass on the side of the road. And if I remember right, my past girlfriend's have only carried their favorites of those items with them in their purse.

Usually the police pick this stuff up, as evidence in the crash. I'm expecting this crash happened in one of the snowstorms and the police couldn't see it in the snow.

I nearly vomited. I don't know why this stuff did this to me. I think it may have made it "real". A real person was hurt here, probably very badly, possibly worse than hurt.

I said a little prayer right there in my head, a little bit out loud. One of the worker's asked me what I said and I said "Nothin', just looking at this stuff here." He said, "Yeah, it must have been bad..."

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Frugal Geekiness is back in full swing...

Well, the title of the post says it all. I'm building my own projector.

Yep, you read that right, my own projector. But I'm using someone else's idea.

No, it will not be a spiffy little sexy little box that hangs from the ceiling. I don't care about how "sexy" my stuff is right at this point. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. I'm using this idea. Yes, I will actually own an overhead projector like from middle school, high school and college. I went and bought a 15" LCD monitor and have it torn apart and ready to go (I'll show pictures when I have it all together).

If I can get it all working, I am going to need to build a box to contain it. Reason: If you don't remember, those projectors can be really noisy with the fans blowing, etc. Also, I would like the final project to look more "finished" than an overhead projector with some electronics lying on top of the glass.

Okay, why am I even attempting this? You guessed it, cost. Bottom line, to get an XGA (1024x768 pixel) projector from a Compusa or Circuit City or Best Buy or whereever, you are looking at somewhere in the neighborhood of $1500 to $2500, on the low end. High end, well, let's just say there is no way I can go there. And LCD big screen TV's are still well out of my price range as well (maybe in 5 years or so). Total cost of my projector when it is built - ballpark figure is $350, XGA projector. I'm willing to risk it for that reward. Odds are, performance wise it will be in the lower end of performance. That's okay, but if I get a little better than that, great! Oh, one more note on cost - the little projectors that you buy in those box stores, the lamps go for several thousand hours, but cost several hundred dollars a piece. The cost for replacing the bulbs in the overhead projector? Somewhere about $30/bulb for somewhere in the range of 50-100 hours. Basically, over a long enough time line, these projectors will be equal cost wise. But over that same time line, I hope to upgrade once I am landed and in an actual house vs. apartment. Big screen LCD (or Plasma) is really the way to go for you home movie freaks like me.

Note to other guys who might think about attempting this: The gaf and waf are incredibly low with this thing (gaf = girlfriend acceptance factor, waf = wife acceptance factor). Only with a properly finished box will you have a chance! :) Me being single allows me the freedom to try this stuff without that little voice over my shoulder "How freaking big is that thing going to be? And you want to put it in MY living room? That is just ugly...I don't think so!"

One final note on cost: I am not including the cost of buying the screen for viewing. Reason: the only option that I have that does not require a projection screen is the big-screen LCD/Plasma and those are way out of my price range. So that part of the project is a wash. I am expecting somewhere in the $110 to $200 range for the size I will need (or I might try a DIY for that too :P).

Saturday, May 06, 2006

good night, and good luck.

I would like to rescind my comment about not liking George Clooney at this time.

And I hope that YSD's predictions for the 2006 elections come true. Not so much the Democrats gaining power. No, that part doesn't matter that much to me. The part about Rumsfeld and Cheney. And I wish that it was one of the Republican's in Washington that would step up and start the investigation. They have to realize that these two have abused powers as much as or probably even more than Bush has. Tear the worst evils down first, then go after the incompetent.

I will probably blather more about this tomorrow, but I am very tired and any argument I make here right now will make little or no sense and have holes the size of Mack trucks. Heck, any argument I make tomorrow will probably have the same huge hole, but at least I'll have a chance then. :)

Friday, May 05, 2006

"The Dilbert Principle"

Hmmm, a comment from my friend C on my last post reminded me of this book. I find that it is a classic.

Actually, not the entire book, because, well, I really don't care about management styles as they rarely effect my work (no, really, they don't matter as long as I come up with my designs, everything is cool, even when I don't put the cover on my TPS report).

Nope, just chapter 14: Engineers, Scientists, Programmers and Other Odd People. Scott Adams insight into how we work is so amazingly accurate, I was actually stunned the first time I read it (after I wiped the tears away from my laughing so dang hard).

Example lifted from text (I call this the "socially skittish" part of my personality, he calls it as it is :)):

' "Normal" people expect to accomplish several unrealistic things from social interaction:
Stimulating and thought-provoking conversation
Important social contacts
A feeling of connectedness with other humans'

Later in the same chapter:

' In contrast to "normal" people, engineers have rational objectives for social interactions:
Get it over with as soon as possible.
Avoid getting invited to something unpleasant.
Demonstrate mental superiority and mastery of all subjects.'

Yep, guilty as charged. The truth only hurts if you let it, and I let this truth hurt by making my insides hurt from laughing so stinking hard. :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

One of my favorite comic strips...

is being released in movie form this summer. I am hoping that it is not as bad as other comic to movie tries.

"Over the Hedge" is the name of the comic strip. You can see more of it over here.

The one above is the first one I ever read (click on it to see the full sized one, it doesn't re-scale well). It was sent to me by D a long time ago. It's almost exactly how D and I would act when we went out to the bars. I instantly connected with the characters (in that one, think of me as Verne, D as RJ :)).

I see a lot of me in Verne (the turtle), but I also see myself in RJ (the racoon), and I definitely see Sammy (squirrel - I originally posted this as "Hammy", but that's Sammy's mirror image :) ) on those days when my brain has left the building.

And that's the other cool part about this comic strip, I see all of my friends in those characters as well. When I get the strip in my email everyday, I kind of get to see all my buds all compressed into one little comic strip every morning. A good way to start the day if I ever heard of one.

Hey, I know it's weird, they don't call me "geek" for nothing!

Western Wisconsin

Ahhhh, another day driving around WI looking at is such a treat to get away from the stress in the office (mine is not the only "drama" unfolding at work, my boss may be down 3 people by mid-summer if we all get lucky in our searches).

And having to drive through that wonderful bit of WI known as "God's Country". Yes, yes, I know it was incredibly arrogant of the Old Style/Heileman's crew to call it that, but up amongst the coulees and ridges and bluffs and trees and farmland it is just wonderful.

I do believe that I may think about retiring here when the time comes.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

ABC Meme

Okay, okay, you all win... :)

Accent: Nasal Wiscaahnsin/Yooper, eh?

Booze: Usually only in Vegas, Absolut Vodka, Canadian Club Manhattan, and pretty much any beer out there will find a happy home with me.

Chore I hate: Cleaning the BATHROOM! One word - YUCK!

Dog or Cat: I have to say neither, even though I like both. Dogs - well, they require TOO much attention. Cats, well they are cool, but I sneeze and get the runny nose and itchy eye thing with them.

Essential Electronics: You mean I can only name one? :) Definitely desktop computer...

Favorite Cologne: No. See my reaction to cats above.

Gold or silver: Stainless Steel - oh, I have to pick one of those two only? Gold...but I still say that a "precious" metal is only as good as it's uses...and what's better than being one of the main metals used in food production? There's a lot of hungry people out there, eh?

Hometown: Madtown

Insomnia: That's where you can't sleep for a few days or longer, right? On occasion, usually when things get really stressful at work or in the personal life...hmmm, read previous posts, think there might be some right now? :
Job Title: Project Civil Engineer

Kids: No - I think I would actually have to start dating again...not so much when you read the next line...

Living Arrangements: Not by my choice (suggested by my boss due to promises he made and failed to keep), living in my parent's basement...yeah, lots of women love that, don't you know.

Most Admirable Trait: Ability to focus, focus, focus...

Number of States lived in: 4 - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, and North Carolina (NC was a short term, but my permanent address was there) Can I count Illinois, since I traveled through so many times over the last 5 years?

Overnight hospital stays: 1-appendix removal at 7 years old

Phobias: Haven't encountered much that scares me that much yet. I don't like things, but not debilitating.

Quote: Too many goofy comments made to suggest just one here, oh, okay "You are that dumb."

Religon: Nope...closest would be Christian, but most of the organized Christian denominations have let me down in some way or another...typically, it has to do with a political statement that they are trying to make. I need the spirituality and meditation/prayer, not whether something should be legal or not. Leave the politics outside the door and pick them up on the way out. I will listen to you out there. In the church, though, it's my quiet spiritual time (and yes, I am selfish about it...) Problem is, I know something is missing, but I can't find it when I'm not looking for it...maybe I'm not ready yet? :/

Siblings: 1 step brother (1 sister out law), 2 step sisters (1 brother in law)

Time I wake up: 5:30 ish (snooze at 5:15, then again at 5:24, then get up).

Unusual talent or skill: Hmmm, I really don't think so.

Vegetable I Love: Fresh Asparagus, cut into 1 inch pieces, heated lightly in olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt and pepper...specific enough for you? We have an asparagus patch out in the garden that we raid every couple of nights. YUM!

Worst habit: No doubt, procrastination or just flat out being late...but then my goal is to be late to my own funeral. :)

X-Rays: Teeth, broken wrist, CAT Scan of my liver and pancreas during a small cancer scare a couple of years ago (I got lucky, nothing found, just odd blood tests for a while), shoulder and knee after intramural sports injuries at school.

Yummy foods I make: Well, I'm not too good a cook, but I can make a mean bowl of buttered noodles! :) Yep, I can BOIL WATER! :) That and the asparagus above, really tough to make, I tell ya!

Zodiac Sign: Virgo